Google - Product Manager Interview Questions
Here is a new list of all Product Manager Interview questions asked at Google (Part 2 - Estimation, Strategy, Metrics, Launch, Execution, Behavioral, Technical).
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To help you with your Product Manager interview preparations, we have compiled a complete list of the most asked Product Management Interview Questions and Answers at companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. answered by PMs at FAANG.
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Product Estimation:
How much storage space do you need to store all the information from Google maps?
Estimate the Number of WhatsApp Chats occurring in India [FREE]
Estimate the Number of Hours spent on Smart Phones by all Indians
Estimate the Number of Golf balls that can fit in a School Bus
Estimate the Number of Tennis balls you can fit in an Aircraft
Estimate the Number of Refrigerators sold in India every year
Estimation - Number of Queries Answered by Google per Second
Estimate the storage space is required to host all the images of Google Street View
How many airports are in the US and in the World?
Estimate the number of planes that are in the air in an hour.
Estimate the cost of storing Google Photos on the Photos app.
Estimate how many trains operate in the NYC subway.
How many apps are in the Apple App Store or Android Playstore?
How would you estimate the bandwidth of Gmail for a community in Mars?
How many queries per second does Gmail get?
How would you estimate the number of new users Amazon gets in a day?
How many pixel phones were sold by Google worldwide in the last 12 months?
Estimate the memory needed for Nest cameras for the fiscal year 2020.
What is the market for driverless cars in 2020?
You have a grocery delivery service that delivers food within 24 hours. How many trucks would you need to operate it?
How many balls does it take to fill a 16x16 ft room?
How much revenue did Gmail make from ads in the USA last year?
Estimate the number of passengers arriving at SF airport every day
How many passengers are in planes in the air at any given time in the U.S.A?
How would you estimate the total number of cars right now on Highway 101 between San Francisco and Mountain View?
Estimate the number of bicycles required to start a bike-sharing operation in a big city.
What is the market size of toilet paper in the US?
How much storage space is required to host all the images of Google Street View?
How much storage is required to store all of the images on Google Maps?
Estimate the number of Uber rides.
A company has launched a new drug that eliminates the need for sleep. How would you price this drug?
Estimate the number of Tesla Model3s in California.
Estimate the number of Uber drivers in your city.
How many elevators should an average office building have?
If you are opening a new Walmart branch, how would you decide how many cash registers are needed for the store?
How many dentists are there in New York?
Calculate the number of queries answered by Google per second.
Imagine you created a new type of product that would replace the mobile phone. How would you determine how many units to manufacture?
How many mobile phones are there in the world?
Estimate the total number of videos on YouTube.
How much storage space do you need for Google Maps?
Estimate the total number of millennials who own homes in the US.
How many kindergarten teachers are there in the USA?
YouTube Red is a premium service without ads. Assume that 1.5% of the initial YouTube user base signs up for the service. What is the lifetime revenue Google generates from those users?
How would you estimate the space required for Google Photos?
How much time is spent by people while waiting in their vehicles at traffic signals in the US?
If you are planning to kick off YouTube TV in SFO, how much bandwidth would be required?
Estimate the weight of a 747 airplane.
Estimate the daily bandwidth consumed by YouTube globally.
Tesla claims it will make Auto Garage Shops obsolete due to zero maintenance. Estimate how many jobs will be impacted in the US in 5 years and 10 years.
How many videos can you watch with 2 GB of data?
How much would it cost to set up WiFi in New York?
What is the market size of toilet paper in Canada?
How much money is spent in the USA per year on gas?
Estimate the number of videos uploaded to Youtube per day.
How much revenue can Google get from driverless cars?
Should Amazon increase the price of Prime Membership? If so, estimate the revenue generated or lost.
What is the market size of the Art Market in the UK?
Estimate the number of hotels in NYC.
There is a colony of 1000 people on the moon. Estimate the bandwidth needed. How would you provide internet to them?
Estimate the number of gas stations in SF city.
What is the market for income tax software in the US?
How would you go about finding out the number of red cars in China?
Estimate the total dollar amount of online sales for fruits and vegetables per year in the US.
How many potential TV buyers are there in NY? Walk us through your thought process.
Estimate the number of piano tuners in San Francisco.
Estimate how many product managers work at Google?
How much time is spent waiting per day for a real human in the Automated Systems in the US?
How many X-Rays are done in the World in a Year?
What is the estimated number of “incidents” that could be reported by users of Waymo in the SF Bay Area?
How many airplanes fly every day in the world?
Estimate the total number of cows in Canada.
A biotech company has launched cell-based blood that reduces dependence on donation. How much would you price this blood?
How many GSuite users are there given GSuite revenue is US $7B?
What is the revenue of Bing?
How many computers does Google own?
How many cars are on 101 between San Francisco and Mountain View?
How much does the US spend on dog food each year?
Assume the US Govt wants to provide free internet storage to all its citizens. Create a program to manage it and estimate the 3-year cost for the program.
Estimate the number of hours wasted in traffic each year.
Estimate the number of emails that the city of San Francisco receives.
Estimate the amount of storage needed to store all the photos and videos taken on Pixel phones.
Estimate the ad revenue of a photo-sharing social media app.
Estimate the number of YouTube users.
How many bricks are there in New York?
Estimate the revenue of Netflix.
Estimate how much data YouTube delivers every day.
What is the size of the European Shoe market?
Estimate the sanitizer market in the USA.
Estimate the amount of money spent each year at movie theatres in the US.
How many calories are in a typical grocery store item?
How would you identify all the potholes in the United States?
How many dollar bills are in circulation in the US?
Estimate the number of servers required for YouTube.
Estimate the daily watch time of cooking videos on YouTube.
If you want to build the world's most popular mobile messaging product, how would you estimate how much network bandwidth would be used in a year?
Estimate the total number of hours required for Americans to do their laundry every year.
Estimate the number of videos watched on YouTube per day.
Estimate the number of iPads sold in Europe in 2019.
We want to improve Toronto Streetview. Google cars will drive in Toronto and take pictures. How long it will take?
Estimate the number of travelers in India per day.
How many ride-share trips occur in the US daily?
Estimate the cost of running YouTube.
How many house contractors are there in the U.S.A.?
How much storage and bandwidth do we need for the Google Drive service next year?
What are the network implications of a handheld device meant for elementary schools kids?
What is the weight of the Empire State Building?
Estimate the aggregate number of miles joggers run in Central Park NY City in a year.
Imagine there are 10,000 people on Mars. The only way of communication to Earth is through Gmail. How much bandwidth is needed?
How much bandwidth does the StarWars hologram use?
How will you reduce Chime's operating cost by 50%?
Estimate how many Zoom meetings take place over the course of the average week.
Pick your favorite city. How long would it take to get Google Street Views images for the entire city?
How many elevators are needed in a mall?
If the Philadelphia airport was to shut down for 24 hours, how long would it take to get back to running like normal? Come up with number estimates and assumptions.
How much app-related data does the Google iOS app store transmit each month?
How many hours do people spend on stoplights in the USA in a year?
Estimate the number of students and interns in and around New York.
An airport closed down for a day due to inclement weather. How long does it take to get caught up?
Estimate the number of hospital beds in the UK.
How much does a school bus weigh?
How long does an average person wait at an intersection?
How many windows are there in New York City?
Quantify the number of linear road miles in Google Maps.
Estimate the number of incidents that could be reported by users of Waymo in the SF Bay area.
If you were launching a bike-sharing app in NYC, how many people would be interested in it?
How much storage data will YouTube need for the next year?
Estimate the market share of Google Translator as an API.
One day, all of New York's Google Maps Street View is lost. What is the cost of rebuilding it?
Estimate the number of restaurants in San Francisco.
Estimate the total dollar amount of online sales for fruits and vegetables per year in NYC.
How many quarters do you need to reach the height of the Empire State Building?
What is the market size for driverless cars in 2025?
Estimate Google Photos storage for Pixel phones.
Estimate the total internet bandwidth needed for a campus of 1000 graduate students.
Estimate the weight of a school bus.
Estimate the number of Gmail users in the US
How much money does the Play Store make in a year?
How many drivers does Uber need to serve the San Francisco bay area?
How would you estimate the size of the paint market in the US?
How many shampoo bottles are sold in the US annually?
If all people used self-driving cars for transportation, how many vehicles would be needed to service the US?
Estimate the total addressable market for Slack
Estimate how many trains operate in the NYC subway
Estimate the cost of storing Google Earth photos.
Estimate the market size for the in-flight ads market.
Estimate the amount of storage needed for Google Photos.
How much storage capacity should Google allocate towards supporting a contact lens that shoots HD videos and stores them in the cloud?
Estimate the number of millennial homeowners in the US.
Estimate Google ads revenue.
You’re starting a company that is going to sell face masks. How many should you make?
As a PM for Gmail, how much storage do you plan to buy for the next year?
Estimate total time wasted in meetings in the US.
Estimate the bandwidth of Google Maps.
Estimate the number of motels in the US.
We lost all data for street view of Google maps in NY. How much would it cost to replace street view?
Estimate the number of users of Google Drive.
Estimate how many potholes there are across the continental USA.
How many Pixel phones are sold in Africa every month?
Estimate the cost of running YouTube each year.
Estimate the incremental cost of storing videos uploaded to Youtube in a year.
What is your favorite international airport? Estimate how many people arrive and depart every day.
How much would it cost for Google Maps to gather Street View data for all of Manhattan?
How many airplanes are in the air over the Bay Area right now?
How many drivers are needed to get a street view of San Francisco?
How many plans are flying over the US right now?
How many SMS messages are sent in the United States every day?
Estimate the amount of storage needed to store a day's worth of information from your brain.
Estimate the number of people who regularly go out to bars.
How many bikes would you need to launch bike-sharing service in NYC?
How many pixel users are in the United States?
How many scooters would be needed for a company with 2000 employees on 4 floors (500 employees on each floor)? Make common-sense assumptions.
Estimate the size of the food delivery business with bikes.
Estimate how much productivity is lost in the holiday season at a medium-sized company?
To help you with your Product Manager interview preparations, we have compiled a complete list of the most asked Product Management Interview Questions and Answers at companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. answered by PMs at FAANG.
Now get, Full Access to All PM Interview Questions and Detailed Answers by FAANG PMs for a Year! Get the Yearly Subscription now! 👇
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Product Metrics:
How would you evaluate the success of Reactions on Facebook?
How would you evaluate the success of Instagram Stories? [FREE]
What success metrics would you use to measure a payment gateway product?
How would you measure the success of YouTube?
How would you measure the success of Google Calendar?
How do you define success for Yelp reviews?
What is the most important metric for Google Docs and why?
Around 40% of reviews on Amazon are fake. As a PM in Amazon, how will you tackle the problem? Break your answer into 3 parts — 1. How will you identify a review is fake? 2. What action will you take? 3. If the number of fake reviews is decreased, what will be the impact?
What are the important metrics a PM for a luxury goods eCommerce website should look at?
If you were the PM for Lyft, what dashboard would you build to track the health of the app?
What do you think is the most important metric to track in Google Search and why?
How do you measure the success of Airbnb online experiences?
How do you measure the success of Instacart?
How would you measure the success of Google Hangouts?
What are 10 important metrics for Spotify under the engagement category? Which one would you improve? Why?
What's the north star metric for Google Calendar?
How would you measure the success of YouTube TV?
Engagement is going down by 10% month on month for your product. What data /metrics would you look at?
How would you assess the opportunity for showing the "You may also like" block along with the existing ads block on Google Shopping?
What would be the top six metrics for WhatsApp? Now pick one from the six. Tell me three things you would do to improve that metric.
You’re the PM for an e-commerce marketplace and you’re responsible for the recommendations feature. In the past quarter, you ran an A/B test for your new feature and you’re supposed to present the results to the execs. What metrics would you present to them?
What are the success metrics for Google Maps?
What are the metrics you will track if you own Google Docs?
You're the PM for Google Cloud storage. How would you measure success?
Make an argument for offering some free storage space to Google Photos users.
What KPIs do you think Gmail monitors?
How would you go about validating the need for an app to split the bill when people go out to restaurants or bars?
How would you decide where to establish a Pizza restaurant?
How would you measure the success of Shazam?
How do you measure the success of Google Maps in a shopping mall?
Define the metrics for YouTube search.
Should Google incorporate “Ad quality” into YouTube videos?
What metrics would you focus on as the PM for YouTube?
Devise A/B tests to improve user frustration with Google Maps.
What metrics would you focus on as the PM for Spotify?
What should Airbnb's key north star metrics be?
Say gift wrapping an item generally costs Amazon $4, and is not included in Prime. How would you make the call whether or not to include it in Prime?
What factors should google consider when deciding how much to bid to maintain place as default search engine on Firefox?
Design an elevator algorithm to pick up guests.
You are a PM responsible for the restaurant section of Google Maps. How would you go about collecting and validating restaurants' hours of operations?
What metrics would you measure for a new feature on WhatsApp?
How would you decide between two routing algorithms for Google Maps?
How would you measure success for a new VR feature?
How would you determine insurance pricing for Waymo?
How would you launch peer-to-peer payment on a chat application?
How would you fix the issue of misleading videos on YouTube?
Google has decided to replace its shuttle services with a Carpool program. What are the data points that you’ll need to implement it?
How would you handle negative feedback on Chrome video ad auto-play?
If you are the PM for a feature on Pixel phone which allows users to upload their pictures to Google photos, what metrics would you track?
Product Execution:
Product Execution: Uber Product Manager Interview - Increase in Cancel Rates
What would you do if there is a High Acquisition but Low Retention?
There are about 1 million inactive Netflix users. What would you do about them?
You are the PM for a streaming video service. You come into the office and see that one key metric has dropped by 80%. What will you do?
You are a PM of Lime Scooters. Users are signing up but are not using the scooters. What do you do?
How would you solve homelessness in downtown San Francisco?
What parameters will you take into consideration while designing a recommendation engine for Netflix?
Design a banking application for a blind customer or with low vision impairment.
YouTube shares are up. What do you do?
Identify the reason notifications delivery is failing for your App.
NPS for Walmart Offline is low. How will you go about it?
Imagine you are the PM for a new feature for a home device. How would you optimize the sign-up flow?
You are an early employee at Transferwise. Segment your customer base and devise a growth strategy based on that.
How would you pack & ship exactly 1 lb of Apples?
If you had unlimited resources to fix a problem in the world right now, what would it be? B) who would your team be and c) what are your measurable goals to determine if you’re successful?
You launched a new signup flow to encourage new users to add more profile information. A/B test results indicate that the % of people that added more information increased by 8%. However, 7-day retention decreased by 2%. What do you do?
Drivers are dropping out of a city on Lyft. How do you figure out what's going on?
You walk into your office and find that Google cloud subscription has gone down by 20%. What do you do as a product manager?
Google search revenue was down. Figure out why.
How would you investigate a 3% CTR drop on Google Shopping placement?
Google Maps had a 10% drop in daily active users. What do you do?
There's a 50% drop in the number of Uber rides per day. Diagnose the problem.
Utilization went down by 45% on app XYZ in Italy for the month of August. Give a reason why and draft a plan to fix it.
If your engineering team wants to do a bug fix and your sales team wants to implement a new feature, how do you decide which one to do? You can only do one.
How would you evaluate a product that you don't know much about? Imagine that it is not a Google product and you are not a power user.
You are a PM at Google Cloud and you realized that for a set of users, VMs (Virtual Machines) has been underutilized or not utilized at all. How do you identify the root cause? How do you solve the issue and ensure that it won't happen again?
Average hours of videos watched per monthly active user have fallen for Youtube. What could be the possible reasons?
How would you improve the throughput of an airport by 100%?
The number of matches on Tinder is down. How do you identify the problem and rectify it?
The number of Google Search queries has gone down in some parts of the US. How would you investigate this?
You are the marketing manager for Tinder. The user base in a particular city is not increasing at an expected rate. There has been a decline. Devise a growth strategy for Tinder there.
You’re the PM for Google Workspace (Docs, Spreadsheet, Slides) and you see an MoM spike of 15% in storage usage. What do you do?
Describe your top 3 favorite products and why. Products can be hardware or software, for example, a chair, hairdryer, etc.
If you want to double the traffic from SEO for a website, what are the steps you will follow?
If you have only one engineering resource, where will you invest it (prioritization)? Fixing a critical bug or shipping a critical feature?
There is an 8% drop in Google Search. What would you do?
How would you get another billion monthly active users on YouTube?
YouTube traffic went down 5% — how would you report this issue to your manager?
Google cloud wants to provide Google Translation as an API. What do you think about it? Give your pros and cons analysis.
How would you price the Google Translator API?
Google decided to shut down Gmail. What would you do?
Tell me about a product that is useful but unprofitable.
How do the mean and median compare for search response times in Google?
How would you go about building an online business that sells homemade cookies?
Tell me about a great product you've recently encountered and why you like it.
Google wants to invest in kids reading more audiobooks. How should they do it?
What is an area where Google is under-invested?
YouTube comments are up but watch time is down. What do you do?
You are the PM for an e-commerce site. You see that sales have dropped 7% in the last few days? What could be wrong?
Suppose you’re the Lead PM for an online mobile gaming app. One day, you see a sudden decline of 10% of total users. What would you do and why?
As the owner of a burger shop, how would you determine the cause of a sales decline?
How would you measure success for Youtube search?
At Netflix, you notice that about 1M users drop off roughly 6 months after signing up. What is happening here and how would you deal with this?
Youtube DAUs are falling. What do you do?
To help you with your Product Manager interview preparations, we have compiled a complete list of the most asked Product Management Interview Questions and Answers at companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. answered by PMs at FAANG.
Now get, Full Access to All PM Interview Questions and Detailed Answers by FAANG PMs for a Year! Get the Yearly Subscription now! 👇
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Product Launch:
How would you relaunch Google Glasses?
How would you launch Google’s driverless car service?
Is there a market for an App for Senior Citizens so participants can meet and read the daily news from specific newspapers?
How would you launch a social fitness device?
Launch Google Maps for a new region.
How would you launch Google Home in Canada?
If a smart scientist found a way to make teleportation work, how would you market it?
You are a product manager of an app which consumers use for requesting barber service. The business wants to address another problem through the same app (which is ordering water bottle-20L). Will you develop another feature within the same app? Will you develop another app to address this? How would you arrive at this decision?
How would you launch a new analytics product?
Product Strategy:
Which channels would you use to increase top-of-the-funnel activities for Duolingo?
What are some alternative uses for chopsticks besides eating?
What should Airbnb's strategy be during the COVID-19 pandemic?
How would you determine if a specific block in your neighborhood is suitable for a new grocery store?
Should Google get into the ticketing market? If so, what would you build?
Do you think Google should buy the iRobot company? Why or why not?
Google Keep is a free product to save, share notes, etc. How would you make it a subscription product & monetize it?
As a PM of YouTube, how do you position YouTube against Instagram and Snapchat?
How would you increase YouTube's daily active users?
Your company has been able to digitize smell, how will you launch this new service?
With an unlimited network bandwidth, what would you build?
If you were CEO of Nest, what would be the next product you would build?
If you were the product manager of Youtube, evaluate whether you should add a new feature to show the videos flashing 5 frames instead of being static in the search thumbnail view.
What strategies are Apple, Amazon, and Google taking in healthcare? What is better, breadth or depth in healthcare use cases? Pros/cons?
Should Google continue to invest in the Chrome OS and Android OS separately or merge them at some point?
Should Google launch a TV service?
How would you increase the revenue of Google Maps?
Strategize and implement omnichannel initiatives to improve customer LTV for Walmart.
As PM of LG, decide if you should launch a Smart Fridge.
How would you assess the impact of weather on consumer spend last winter?
If you were the CEO of Xeros, how would you address growth and shareholder value?
Assume that in a major urban city, there is a section of interstate highway that is only available for self-driving cars. What are some potential business opportunities?
You are the PM for a B2C product that has an advertisement-based monetization model with significant and steady daily revenues. One day, there are no ads served and the revenues plummet to zero. What would be your strategy, as a Product Manager, to deal with this crisis?
Evaluate the upsides and downsides of building a super app — an app having all major B2C features including entertainment, e-commerce, food ordering, hotel booking, cab booking, chat, holiday planning, gaming, med ordering, service booking, etc.
You're a founder and have decided to start something in the travel space. What do you do?
What apps should benefit from an API that detects moods?
What would your road map be for Google Pay? 1 year vs 3 years.
Should Google Maps enter into all aspects of restaurant business/domain (beyond just search)
Should Google make one more attempt at social media?
Define a strategy of loyalty program for Google Pay.
How would you develop the strategy for YouTube for the next 5 years?
How would you decide on the price of Amazon Prime?
What are your favorite mobile apps and why?
If Google wants to start charging for a single product it owns, which would it be and why?
Should Google offer a Stubhub competitor? That is, sell sports, concert, and theater tickets?
Let's assume we are successfully able to teleport inanimate objects. How would you go about monetizing or launching this project?
You are the PM of Google Hangout. The avg play store rating is 3 star with 100k reviews but the problem is that 40% of the users gave a 5-star rating and 40% gave 1 star. What would you do?
What is the market size for commercial space travel?
Imagine we have come up with a mood API that enables real-time access to anybody's mood. What should we do with it?
Why is Google investing in self-driving cars?
Why did Amazon get into the hardware space?
What is your strategic analysis of mobile messaging applications?
Name a technology you like. Design a product using the technology.
You are the Product Manager for the Google Hardware. Can you explore opportunities in the shower/bathroom area?
How would you project a gardener robot for Google HQ?
Think of a time you interacted with a government agency (passport, DMV, etc.). How would you make it better?
If you're the product owner for Google Inbox, what would your roadmap look like?
Pick an object near you. What attributes do you consider important for this product? How would you improve it?
As Google, how would you go about improving the inflight experience?
You are on the board of Google Maps. There are a number of competitors coming up in the market. i.e Waze etc. What is your strategy to maintain your dominance?
Evaluate the competitive landscape (direct & indirect) for Dropbox.
G-suite is considering to implement a malware and virus detection. How would you evaluate the decision?
Why does Starbucks sometimes have coffee shops on both sides of the road?
Should Google acquire Quora?
Waymo is being asked to monetize beyond the ride-sharing use case. What should they do?
Should Google get into the ride-sharing market?
Design a product to improve diners' experiences at restaurants after they finish the meal.
What is an area where Google is under-invested?
Why did Google acquire Fitbit for over $2 billion?
Google gets the opportunity to place ads in the in-flight entertainment (seat-back and personal device). Should it proceed, or not?
Should LinkedIn add a Video Feed feature?
Should Google build a shopping recommendation?
You're the PM for Google AdWords. One of the core initiatives you own is to increase spend, account engagement, and number of accounts in the SMB (small-to-medium) business space. What does your 1-year roadmap look like?
How would you enter into blue-collar hiring?
If a VC gave you $100M to build a payments app for India and maximize market share in 12 months, what would be your strategy?
What product (or service) will be obsolete in 5-10 years? Then, how would you advise the producer/creator/company in this shifting landscape?
How would you increase growth and market share for Google Cloud?
You have been appointed as CEO of Facebook (Mark Z stepped down). What will you do for the products?
What is the next big thing for Google?
You are a PM in a security team, the management has tasked you to reduce the security issues in the software development activities. How would you do it?
Everyone is working from home since Covid. Schools are also online. The students have been provided devices (phones, tablets, etc), but not all students have Wifi. Google wants to give free Wifi to these kids. In the area of your choice (give reasons why), how many towers and boxes are needed?
How would you improve Grammarly and what will be your key metrics to measure its improvement?
How would Google enter FinTech?
Should Google Maps enter the restaurant business?
GMeet got boosted during lockdowns. But as the world opens up, how will you cater to the "people using G-Meet for work" segment in order to keep the number of users from falling. What is your product strategy and roadmap for this segment?
How would business look like in a world with unlimited connectivity?
What is your favorite non-software (hardware) product? Why? How can you improve this product further?
If you had unlimited resources, how would you disrupt the movie/film industry?
Why do you think Facebook launched the Facebook portal?
You are eating in your company cafeteria and someone taps you on your shoulder. It's your CEO asking you what the company should do next. What would you do?
Should Google continue offering Google Earth?
Improve Chrome usage by 5X in 2 years.
Due to COVID-19, Google Cloud Services demand has increased. Extrapolating current trends, we will reach the limit in 18 months. How will you handle it?
Imagine a product that helps farmers to get a better value for the crops they sell at the local markets. How would you go to market with this? Focus on generating incentives for both supply and demand sides. Design the product.
Should Google build a video streaming service to compete with Netflix, Disney+, PrimeVideo, and Hulu? If yes, outline the strategy.
How would you price a brand new Kindle book?
Should Google enter the cryptocurrency market?
Start a new coffee shop in Toronto, Canada.
What are the top 3 tech trends you are following? Pick 1. Imagine I'm (interviewer) a VC. What startup idea would you pitch to me leveraging the tech trend you chose? What would be your 3-year strategy?
Imagine you own a wildly successful food truck, and you want to scale it up. How would you do it?
Design a self-driving car for kids. How would you build an investor pitch for this product? How would you price the car, and what would be the 1st year revenue?
Pretend Google Next wants to acquire iRobot. What do you look for/how do you position your decision?
Make the product roadmap for a note-making app. The product is currently in MVP.
Imagine that you have a technology that can enable infinite bandwidth and near-zero latency. What will you do with it?
You are PM for Google Maps. Google is considering providing mapping for indoors. Should we do it?
What is the future of the streaming music industry in your opinion?
If you were the PM for the Windows phone, how would you make it successful?
Design a dashboard for the CEO of Google on the Android business. Which metrics would you show and why?
There is a long line every weekend for dinner at a local Burmese restaurant. You are the owner. Would you consider it as a good thing or a bad thing? What would you do?
Should Google enter into the gaming domain?
How would you create a localization strategy/roadmap for a product?
Should Google acquire Evernote?
What is the impact of search technology on the world?
Describe the strategy behind Google entering the cell phone market.
You are the product manager at Google Hangouts. After launch, you have an avg. review rating of 3 - detail (40% rated 1, 40% rated 5, 20% rated 3). What will you do?
Why does Starbucks sometimes have coffee shops on both sides of the road?
Tell me about a new use case for a smart product.
Your company gives you 100PB of storage. How would you build a monetizable product?
If you are the CEO of Google, what will be your roadmap for the next 5 years?
Design a dashboard for the CEO of Google.
If you were the product manager of a video streaming content site, how would you determine what content to put on the landing page?
What should Google do in 5 years with all the tech innovations happening already?
A bike-sharing company is considering a freemium model. Should they do it or not?
How would you determine if features go into OS level or application level?
You are in charge of pricing for an immersive AR/VR experience type offering. How would you price it?
What could have Google done in March 2020 to help with the PPEs issue when Covid was intense?
If you were a senior PM for Google Maps, what would your goal be for the next year?
To help you with your Product Manager interview preparations, we have compiled a complete list of the most asked Product Management Interview Questions and Answers at companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. answered by PMs at FAANG.
Now get, Full Access to All PM Interview Questions and Detailed Answers by FAANG PMs for a Year! Get the Yearly Subscription now! 👇
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How does TinyURL work? [FREE]
You’re part of the Google Search webspam team. How would you detect duplicate websites?
If you were to write an algorithm to solve Hangman, what would that look like?
You found that only 10% of the allotted slots for databases are being used by your customers. What would you do?
How does Google Maps compute ETA?
What has changed since the 1990s (days of AOL) to make the internet faster?
How would YouTube go about detecting if a video is watched in a group or not?
How would you reduce the total storage required by Google Photos?
How would you design the technical aspect of location sharing in Google Maps?
How would you make the internet faster?
Design a URL shortener like
How do you design an API?
Describe how the booking works in the Uber app.
Design an API and schema for a shopping list app.
How technically deep are you? Describe a project where you had a large impact on technical direction. Draw the diagram of a system you are familiar with (in as much detail).
How would you implement the sync feature of the Google Drive app or Google Docs? How would you design the DB for G-drive?
Design an algorithm for an elevator during COVID-19.
What are the top 3 technology trends that will change the landscapes in the next decade?
Design a simple load balancer for What data structures would you use?
How would you decrease the amount of storage needed for storing e-mail messages for Gmail?
How would you map the ocean?
The Chrome team is looking to reduce power utilization on mobile phones when using the browser. How would you go about solving this problem?
How would you explain cloud computing to your grandmother?
You're the CTO of a company. Design a program that provides unique IDs upon requests from a client. This program will be used by Facebook and Google and needs to scale.
How would you design an algorithm to source data from the USDA and display it on Google nutrition?
How would you design service like Instagram? Estimate server and storage requirements for peak traffic.
What are the various strategies used by recommendations engines?
How does Google Ads work such that it delivers the right ad in 50ms?
How would you explain Twitter to my grandmother who knows nothing about the internet?
Draw out the components of a data pipeline and describe how data flows through (for a healthcare data use case).
How does the system design for Strava work?
If you were out walking and came across a magic relic that could give you very accurate weather for the next 30 days in a location, how would you productize it for Google?
How would you make internetwork on Mars?
How long will it take to store Strava's data on the phone while offline?
Write a code to increment an array of digits (0 to 9).
How would you handle negative user feedback about YouTube, and how might you address it with the engineering team?
How does Google Docs work?
How much storage would offline maps take?
Why is Gmail search slower than Google search?
How would you improve Google Docs's real-time collaboration?
How would you explain cloud computing to your grandmother?
Design a billing system for a doctor’s office that has two locations in the Bay Area.
How does the communication between Mars and Earth work?
How would you choose a programming language to build your product at Google?
How would you create a high-speed network to communicate with team members on the Moon?
YouTube went down last week. What factors do you think could have caused a big system like that to fail?
How would you reduce bandwidth in a video streaming app? What technical metrics would you look at?
How would you design a newsfeed algorithm for Google?
Design YouTube's video recommendation engine.
How would you explain Twitter to an elderly person?
What are the major factors to improve response time and latency for a website?
How does image compression work? How does text compression work? How are they similar and different?
How would you design an algorithm to source data from the USDA and display it on Google nutrition?
How would you explain Deep Learning to a non-technical audience?
Design an algorithm to find times when multiple people are available.
Describe why you can compress a video significantly more than you can a picture in relative size.
Design system architecture for a peer-to-peer chess mobile application.
Design an algorithm to find a line that passes through the most number of points in a 2D plane. Describe how the data structures will look like.
Design a post-accident algorithm for a self-driving car.
You have two strings (String A and String B). How do you count the number of appearances in String A of a character found in String B?
How would you build a database for Google Translate?
How would you improve a latency problem?
How does the android app work?
How do you design a system that determines whether an image is of a bald eagle and is taken in a national park?
How would you go about choosing the right ML algorithm for your system?
How could you improve the smartphone experience for those who get poor or often have no data coverage?
How do you think the video suggestion feature works on YouTube?
Design a key-value store database from the grounds-up in the current business context.
Imagine there is a Google doc product that has the feature of MS Paint. How does that work technically?
Describe your day-to-day activities as a Product Manager [FREE]
Behavioral Interview Questions - Storytelling Framework [FREE]
What's the one thing that excites you the most about Product Management?
How do you take product decisions involving multiple stakeholders with consent?
How do you use research & data to guide your day-to-day decisions?
What tools do you use in your day-to-day activities as a Product Manager?
How would you keep developers in your team motivated to turn out quality work?
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains.
How will you manage a team where team members are more experienced than you?
Which apps do you use on your cellphone on a daily basis and why?
In layman terms, describe your day-to-day activities as a Product Manager.
How would you keep Developers working on a product motivated and turning out quality work?
You are a PM and you are about to enter the product launch meeting with all stakeholders. How would you prepare for that meeting?
What are you looking for in your next role?
How do you know when to cut corners to get a product out the door?
As a PM, who is your most favorite team to work with and why?
Some companies don't think they need PMs. Even Google didn't have one for a while. They think they don't need them. What's your opinion?
What do engineers need/expect from a product manager?
What delighted you to pick the Tesla car as a favorite product?
What are your 3 greatest accomplishments?
If you were to give a ted talk, what would your topic be?
What do you think is the most important part of being a Product Manager?
Your Engineering lead and UX lead disagree on the approach for your P0 quarterly item. How would you approach the situation?
Tell me about a product you love, but you can't get any of your friends to adopt.
If you meet the CEO of <your current company> in the elevator, what would you say to them?
What kind of project would you like to work with?
Give me an example where you negotiated for resources that are not in your control.
What excites you about product management?
Tell me about a time you failed as a product manager.
What product would you build if I were to write a blank check for an idea you have?
What is the most creative thing that you have done as a Product Manager?
Why do you want to work at Google?
Tell me a time when you had to challenge a teammate's unpopular opinion.
How do you make sure you keep improving as a PM?
How do you define a good PM vs. a bad PM?
Why did you choose product management as a career?
Tell me about a product you managed from idea to launch.
Tell me about a time you overcame a difficult challenge.
What are your core product principles?
Tell me about a time you have had to drive change.
What excites you about working on this product at Google?
What was your biggest failure as a product manager?
How do you sell an idea to senior management? If you use slides, what would the content include?
Tell me about a time you had to convince engineers to implement a particular feature.
Why PM?
Give me 3 product enhancements for your favorite product.
Tell me about yourself.
An important feature of a product is not working on the day of the conference you are releasing it. What will you do?
How do you create a product roadmap?
What's your biggest challenge as a PM, and how did you overcome it?
What are you most proud of in your career?
Tell me about a time when you made a decision based on data and you were ultimately wrong.
A developer is not testing the work. How would you deal with this?
Tell me about a time you needed to convince a team who disagreed on something.
Tell me about a time you were wrong.
Tell me about a time your manager strongly believed in something and you did not. How did you manage the situation?
What makes a good product manager?
Which problem would you choose to solve?
Tell me about a time when you had to motivate a team after a demoralizing event.
Give an example of when you took an idea to launch.
Tell me about a time you had a user insight and it changed the product you were building.
What are your favorite two interview questions to ask people?
Your team isn’t innovating. What will you do to analyze the situation and make them innovate?
To help you with your Product Manager interview preparations, we have compiled a complete list of the most asked Product Management Interview Questions and Answers at companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. answered by PMs at FAANG.
Now get, Full Access to All PM Interview Questions and Detailed Answers by FAANG PMs for a Year! Get the Yearly Subscription now! 👇
Preferred Payment Methods:
Google Pay / PhonePe at UPI Id - mypminterview@oksbi
Paypal at
Once done, email the payment receipt at
How to Answer Behavioral Interview Screening Questions? [FREE]
Describe your day-to-day activities as a Product Manager [FREE]
Behavioral Interview Questions - Storytelling Framework [FREE]
What's the one thing that excites you the most about Product Management?
How do you take product decisions involving multiple stakeholders with consent?
How do you use research & data to guide your day-to-day decisions?
What tools do you use in your day-to-day activities as a Product Manager?
How would you keep developers in your team motivated to turn out quality work?
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains.
How will you manage a team where team members are more experienced than you?
How would you maintain timelines as a Product Manager? [FREE]
How do you keep yourself updated with Product Management? [FREE]
Which apps do you use on your cellphone on a daily basis and why? [FREE]
How much storage space do you need to store all the information from Google maps?
Estimate the Number of WhatsApp Chats occurring in India [FREE]
Estimate the Number of Hours spent on Smart Phones by all Indians
Estimate the Number of Golf balls that can fit in a School Bus
Estimate the Number of Tennis balls you can fit in an Aircraft
Estimate the Number of Refrigerators sold in India every year
Estimate the storage space is required to host all the images of Google Street View
Estimate the Number of Queries Answered by Google per Second
Common Mistakes to avoid while Answering Estimation Questions
A/B Testing
Product Strategy
Business Case Studies [FREE]