100+ Question & Answers - Professional Scrum Product Owner™
Professional Scrum Product Owner™ (PSPO) Certification - Questions and Answers List
Q1. The entire scrum team is accountable for creating a valuable, useful increment every sprint.
Answer - True
Q2. Which of the following is not allowed by scrum?
Hardening sprints
Release planning
Velocity Tracking
Answer- Hardening Sprints
Explanation: Each sprint should result in a Done Increment. If hardening Sprints to get work “really Done” are planned and required, then the sprints before this point were not really sprints.
Q3. The product owner must attend the sprint retrospective
Answer - True
Explanation: The scrum team attends the sprint retrospective. The product owner is part of the scrum team.
Q4. Although they may vary with the domain of work, product, backlog items are of the following attributes
Answer -
Explanation: Product backlog is the act of breaking down and further defining product backlog items into smaller more precise items. This is an ongoing activity to add details such as description, order and size attributes, often very with the domain of work.
Q5- A release is mandatory at the end of every sprint
Answer- False
Explanation: The moment a Product Backlog item meets the Definition of Done, an Increment is born. Multiple Increments may be created within a Sprint. The sum of the Increments is presented at the Sprint Review thus supporting empiricism. However, an Increment may be delivered to stakeholders prior to the end of the Sprint. The Sprint Review should never be considered a gate to releasing value.
Q6. Developers should be set stretch goals by the product owner as part of the sprint planning
Answer- True
Explanation: A realistic forecast should be created in Sprint planning.
Q7. What should the product owner do mid-sprint? When the developers realise they will not be able to finish all the forecast product items in the sprint?
a) Punish the developers for providing an incorrect estimate
b) Accept that the developer’s forecast was incorrect, help them move forward to focus with greater accuracy.
c) Report the failures of the developer to management
d) Cancel the sprint
Answer - Accept that the developer’s forecast was incorrect, help them move forward to focus with greater accuracy.
Explanation: In complex environments, forecasts are rarely 100% accurate. The product owner should understand this and not see it as a failure on the part of the developers.
Q8. What happens when a Sprint Goal becomes obsolete?
a) The sprint may be cancelled by the product owner
b) The sprint continues without any changes
c) The product owner, the developer under the scrum master, negotiates what to do next
d) The developers decide what to do next
Answer- The sprint may be cancelled by the product owner
Explanation: Product owner has authority to cancel a sprint if the sprint goal becomes obsolete, all this is generally a rare occurrence.
Q9. What does the product owner do between the end of the current sprint and the start of the next sprint?
a) Refining the product backlog for the next sprint
b) Working with the testers to verify the current sprint’s increment
c) Informing the stakeholders on the project status
d) There is no activity gap between the sprint. The next sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of current sprint.
Answer- There is no activity gap between the sprint. The next sprint start immediately after the conclusion of the current sprint.
Q10. The product owner must use burn-down, charts to track progress
Answer- False
Explanation: Burn-down are complimentary practice and so not mandatory in scrum.
Q11. A scrum team must only work on a single product goal at any time
Answer- True
Explanation: A scrum team must only work on a single product goal at any time in order to maintain focus.
Q12. Common product item attributes are?
a) Commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect
b) Complexity, agility, openness, commitment
c) Velocity, risk, ownership
d) Description, order and size